March 9, 2016

March 9, 2016


                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING

March 9, 2016

CALL TO ORDER – Chairman John Kosiara called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. Chairman John Kosiara led the pledge of allegiance.

ROLL CALL – Present:  John Kosiara-Elba Township, Wayne Barber-Oregon  Township,Dan Engelman-Mayfield Township, Harry Green-City of Lapeer, Glenn Alverson-City of Lapeer, Dawn Walker-Lapeer Township   Excused:  Ray Hayes-Deerfield Township and  Jan Peabody-City of Lapeer

Also Present:   Jordan Smith-Abraham & Gaffney, PC – Kelly Bales-Executive Director, Brad Fry-Maintenance Director and Traci Pewinski-Finance & Operations Manager

CHANGES/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA – Chairman Kosiara asked that we move Action item f. FY 15 Audit presentation to the top of the agenda.  Executive Director Bales asked that we add bus incident to discussion items.

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – There were no public comments.

AUDIT PRESDENTATION – Jordan Smith from Abraham & Gaffney PC presented the FY15 audit.

CORRESPONDENCE – There were no correspondence

MAINTENANCE ISSUES – Maintenance Director Fry stated everything is running smooth, working with maintenance and warranty  issues.  One bus has been in Saginaw for a week trying to get every warranty dollar before they are expired.

ACTION ITEMS – Approval of the Agenda – Motion by Alverson, supported by Barber to approve the agenda as amended. Unanimously carried – Meeting Minutes – February 2016.  Motion by Green supported by Engleman to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2016 meeting as presented. Unanimously carried.

Bill List – February 2016Motion by Walker seconded by Green to approve the bills as presented. Checks # 31469-#31586 totaling $143,151.95.  ROLL CALL VOTE –  Ayes:  All, Nays:  None, Motion carried

Contracts  – Nothing new at this time.

V/L Monroe – Executive Director Bales and board member Hayes are working with CHMP.  Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority doesn’t want to put out lots of dollars and not purchase.  Executive director Bales will get in touch with the city to see if a survey is needed or not however there is concern over the category exclusion and Phase I.  FY15 AuditAbraham & Gaffney, PC.ROLL CALL VOTEAyes: all, Nays: None, Motion carried

Motion by Walker supported by Green to approve the FY15 audit report as presented by

Employee Handbook-Final Draft – Executive Director Bales stated she had sent Attorney Brian Garner an email after March 1, 2016 and has not heard from Attorney Garner as of this time.

Millage Renewal – Election was yesterday March 8, 2016. Millage renewal passed, 8121 to 2368. Lots of support for GLTA!!

Kiwanis-Donation request – Motion by Engelman supported by Green not to advertize in Kiwanis booklet, however, it was recommended that Executive Director Bales becomes a Kiwanis member. Motion carried.

Lapeer Chamber of Commerce – Donation request – Motion by Walker supported by Alverson to bypass donation request. Motion carried.


Income and Expense Statement –February 2016 – The Income and Expense Statement was reviewed there were no questions at this time.

Balance Sheet – February 2016 – The Balance Sheet was reviewed there were no questions at this time.

State/Federal Issues – None at this time

Open Contracts – i.FY11 Section 5311/CMAQ/STP/P8-Comm. Equipment Tablets have been ordered we were able to order all 35 of them, which will give us a couple extra.  A check has been issued for half of the cost and we will be reimbursed from the state.

FY15 Section 5311/CMAQ/P14-Bus Replacement – Waiting on the notification from MDOT on who the contract is being awarded to.

Executive Director’s Report – Executive Director Bales discussed the bus incident.  Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority was not involved in the accident.  Car driving west on Nepessing St. at Saginaw St. thought bus was going to turn and decided to turn in front of bus and hit a person walking across street.  The incident is on the bus camera and we have saved this incase it is needed in the future.  Our bus driver is listed as a witness on the police report.  Executive Director Bales read police report to board.


Ridership Report – February 2016 – Ridership is increased from a year ago. Executive Director Bales mentioned that we did completely close on February 25, 2016 for inclement weather.

NEXT MEETING – Next meeting will be held on April 13, 2016 at 4:00 pm

ADJOURNMENT – Motion by Kosaria, seconded by Green, to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 pm.  Motion carried.

Traci Pewinski,   Recording Secretary                                   Dawn M.  Walker,  Secretary